My 1st Snow~~

18:06 Jia Ying 0 Comments

It may don't have so much special if you live in seasonal country,
But it's special for me.
In my entire 20+ year of life, I finally saw the real snow~~

I dream to see real snow. We dream to have a white Christmas.
In Malaysia, to create fake snow, we always use bubble and soap.
I still remember, even it is the fake snow, I feel excited already,
I really can't imagine my crazy excitement if I really see the real snow.

My 1st snow, in France, I still remember it is in morning, I witnessed it from my room,
The scene in front of me is in white !!! Although snow are not so much, and snowing is stop at that time...
I feel so excited!!! I took so many picture...
Snow melt fast this time, as temperature is still not low enough...

After the 1st snow, It about 1+ month wait for the next snowing.
There is no snow during last year Christmas. no white christmas~~
So, for my 2nd time witness the snowing, I was in Brussels...
This time, I had snow ball fight with my friends, making little snow man,
looked the snow fall down from the sky to my palm~~
walking on the white snow ground, it's soft~~
but the temperature is too low for me...I can't stand to stay outside too long when the temperature is below zero; especially when the cold wind blew toward you. 
The photo below, I look fat, all because I wear 4 layer of thick clothes. 
I tried to use snow effect in my camera to snap this photo....I don't satisfied it's effect~~

We discover the unique shape snow~~ It is star shape snow, fall on my face~~

Snow actually is soft, but when it's going to melt, it's will just look like ice...

More and more snow scenes~~~

People prefer to stay indoor during winter.

I started  to hate snow, ermmm, all because there is less bus service in my area when it is snowing. 
Easily get sick if you stay outside longer time with snowing and low temperature. ( I got flu for 1 week, suffering~~)

The only outdoor activity which suitable in winter would be skiing. ( sadly I haven't try yet this winter~~)
See, the lake is freezing~~

Overall, I still like the snow, but I don't like low temperature.
But snow will only exist when it is in low temperature. (=.=!!)
My 1st winter in my life is going to end. It's awesome~~~

Look forward the Spring, look forward warmer weather~~ I want to travel more in Spring, with thinner cloth~~~Yeah!!!!
That all~~ :)

Another blog :

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